Swan Free Craft Lager

0.5% ABV
Swan Free Craft Lager Label
Hazy IPA
ABV: 4.2% ABV
Beer Type: Hazy Pale Ale
Availability: Keg
Beer Description: This Hazy Pale Ale features a balanced blend of biscuity malt and citrusy-fruity hops. It has a smooth, easy-drinking character, making it a refreshing and well-rounded brew for any occasion.
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Swan Blonde
Beer Type: Pale Ale
Availability: Cask, Keg, Bottle
Beer Description: Our best-selling beer, Swan Blonde is a delicious, light and crisp pale ale. It’s bursting with flavour, thanks to the extra pale malts and hops with a citrusy and tropical fruit profile.
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Swan Black Label
Swan Black
ABV: 4.6% ABV
Beer Type: Black IPA
Availability: Cask, Bottle
Beer Description: A rich, chocolatey sweetness is paired with subtle citrus notes in this black IPA. Expect a distinct, toasty and dark malt character from this hoppy beer.
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Swan Gold Label
Swan Gold
ABV: 4.2% ABV
Beer Type: Golden Ale
Availability: Cask, Bottle
Beer Description: With smooth floral hints of apricot, lime and peach, this golden ale is the ultimate refresher. An irresistible aroma combined with the freshness of our Lakeland spring water.
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